The Key Benefits of Inhospitable Location Logistics

main feature
Main features of Inhospitable Location Logistics
With our local knowledge and experience operating in challenging environments we are continuously developing our capabilities and understanding:
- When working in inhospitable locations you may only have a narrow window of time in which to operate, this could be due to seasonal shifts making roads impassable or rivers unnavigable, or tides limiting operations to only a few hours of the day. Proper planning and engagement allow operations to conclude within the timeframe allowed.
- Pentagon will work with qualified and approved suppliers to ensure the specialized equipment we need is available when we need it to get the job done.
- We understand the need to engage with local communities to ensure they are given proper courtesy and respect. Pentagon’s team of local experts develop relationships which allow us to operate without interruption.
Case study
Case Study
Pentagon Customs Consultancy Delivers huge savings to leading E&P Company
Pentagon were able to help one of our customers by providing comprehensive training, establishing key export/import procedures to ensure compliance, saving the customer in excess of $100k.

Wind Crane Shipment
Pentagon UK’s Project Team successfully loaded a 72T offshore crane on a wind turbine installation vessel.

Pentagon Calgary – Well Services
Pentagon Calgary arrange a charter at short notice for the emergency deployment of a Snubbing Unit.

Material Management
Pentagon’s “Insight” materials management tool provides visibility to a top tier oil and gas company allowing them to expose inefficiency and adjust their logistics patterns to significantly reduce costs.

Remote Field Work in PNG
Pentagon prides itself in offerring logistics solutions in inhospitabile places. Places where the terrain and conditions mean that delivering on time and on budget require local knowledge, additional planning, and adaptability as demonstrated by this PNG Highlands project.

Manoeuvring an oil rig into a Norwegian port
Maneuvering an oil rig into some of the sheltered Norwegian ports can be a challenge! Pentagon has been involved with ships agency services for oil rigs for many years.

Specialist Services
Latest News

Pentagon and Trans Wonderland form a Joint Venture Company, PenTrans (PNG) Limited.
Following the renewal of a key customer contract in January 2022, Pentagon were required to establish a Joint Venture with our bid partners Trans Wonderland Limited (TWL) to manage the in-country operations of the contract.

Pentagon Dubai – Nigerian Project
Pentagon Dubai was delighted to be awarded a complex move for a customer participating in the upgrade of one of the Nigerian National Petroleum Corporations (NNPC) oil mining leases.

Remote Field Work in PNG
Pentagon prides itself in offerring logistics solutions in inhospitabile places. Places where the terrain and conditions mean that delivering on time and on budget require local knowledge, additional planning, and real-time agilty. This PNG Highlands project illustrates this scenario.
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